
Last updated July 09, 2022


Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains how Five Fifty Master Creations (“Company,” “we,” “us,” “our,” “I,” and “my”) uses cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website at It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by website owners in order to make their websites work, or to work more efficiently, as well as to prove reporting information

Cookies set by the website owner (I, Anthony King of Five Fifty Master Creations) are called “first party cookies.” Cookies set by parties other than the website owner are called “third party cookies.” Third party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided on or through the website (such as advertising, interactive content, and website performance analytics). The parties that set these third party cookies can recognize your computer both when it visits the website in question and also when it visits certain other websites.

We use first and third party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our website to operate. We refer to these cookies as “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies. Other cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our online properties. Third parties serve cookies through our website for advertising, analytics, and other purposes.

Specific cookies served while your computer visits our website may vary depending on the specific online properties you visit.

You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. Please note essential cookies cannot be rejected as they are strictly necessary for the website to perform as a platform for shopping, purchasing, and communication as intended.

You may set your cookie preferences on your website browser. In addition, most advertising networks offer you a way to opt out of targeted advertising. For more information, visit

If you choose to reject cookies, you may still use our website, though your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted.

Privacy Policy

This website ( collects personal and payment information such as name, mailing address, email address, and bank card information. The information the website collects depends on your use of the website.

In order to serve you in your intentions for using this website, any personal information you enter into an information collection field on the website may be stored in third party online properties such as CovertKit, Square, or Ship Station depending on your use of this website.

We do not sell your information to a third party or give your personal information to other parties beyond what is strictly necessary to complete any orders or communication processes you begin with us on this Website.

To help protect your personal information, our site uses an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate as noted by the lock icon next to your and the “https” prefix of the web address. This SSL certificate authenticates our website identity and enables an encrypted connection between your web server and your web browser.

Terms of Use

This site is registered in Rouses Point, New York, United States of America.

By using this website, you agree to the following terms:

You agree that by accessing this site, you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these terms. If you do not agree with all of these terms of use, then you are expressly prohibited from using the site and you must discontinue use immediately.

You represent that you have the legal capacity and you agree to comply with these terms of use; you will not access the site through automated or non-human means; you will not sure the site for any illegal or unauthorized purpose; and your use of the site will not violate any applicable law or regulation.

Unless otherwise indicated, all databases, website design, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics (collectively, “content”) on this site are our proprietary property. Trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein are owned or controlled by us or licensed to us and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws of the United States, international copyright laws, and international conventions. As such, no part of the site and no content or marks may be copied, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose whatsoever without our express prior written permission. Exceptions may apply in the case of sharing screenshots of parts of our site on social media for the purpose of driving traffic to our site, with credit to our site and for non-commercial use. Exceptions are eligible solely at the discretion of the website owner. Provided that you are eligible to use the site, you are granted a limited license to access and use the site and to download or print a copy of any portion of the content to which you have properly gained access solely for your personal, non-commercial use. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you and the site, the content, and the marks.

You may not access or use the site for any purpose other than that for which we make the site available. The site may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by us.

You may not systematically retrieve date or other content from the site to create or compile a collection, compilation, database, or directory without written permission from us. You may not trick, defraud, or mislead us or other users, especially in any attempt to learn sensitive account information such as user passwords. You may not circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the site, including features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any content to enforce limitations on the use of the site and/or the content contained therein. You may not use the site in a manner inconsistent with any applicable laws or regulations.

We may provide you areas on the site to leave reviews or ratings. We may accept, reject, or remove reviews in our sole discretion. We have no obligation to screen nor delete reviews. Reviews are not endorsed by us and do not necessarily represent our opinions or the views of any of our affiliates or partners. We do not assume liability for any review or for any claims, liabilities, or losses resulting from any review. By posting a review, your hereby grant to us the perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid, assignable, and sublicensable right and license to reproduce, modify, translate, transmit by any means, display, perform, and/or distribute all content relating to reviews. If you do not want your name or location shared in this capacity, please leave your review anonymously.

The terms of use and your use of the site are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements made and to be entirely performed within the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

There may be information on the site that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including descriptions, pricing, availability, and various other information. We reserve the right to correct any erros, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or update the information on the site at any time without prior notice. Please inform us at if you notice any of these typographical errors as formerly described.

We will maintain certain data that you transmit to the site for the purpose of managing the performance of the site, as well as data relating to your use of the site. Although we perform regular routine backups of data, you are solely responsible for all data that you transmit or that relates to any activity you have undertaken using the site. You agree that we shall have no liability to you for any loss or corruption of any such data, and you hereby waive any right of action against us arising from any such loss or corruption of such data.

Visiting the site, sending us emails, and completing online forms constitute electronic communications. You consent to receive electronic communications, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we provide to you electronically, via email and on the site, satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing. YOU HEREBY AGREE TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES, CONTRACTS, ORDERS, AND OTHER RECORDS, AND TO ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF NOTICES, POLICIES, AND RECORDS OF TRANSACTIONS INITIATED OR COMPLETED BY US OR VIA THE SITE. you hereby waive any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, or other laws in any jurisdiction which require an original signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, or to payments or the granting of credits by any means other than electronic means.

California users and residents: If any complaint with us is not satisfactorily resolved, you can contact the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N 112, Sacramento, CA 95834 or by telephone at (800) 952-5210 or (916) 445-1254

These terms operate to the fullest extent permissible by law. We may assign any or all of our rights an obligations to others at any time. We shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, delay, or failure to act caused by any cause beyond our reasonable control. You agree that these terms of use will not be construed against us by virtue of having drafted them. you hereby waive any and all defenses you may have based on the electronic form of these terms of use and the lack of signing by the parties hereto to execute these terms of use.

Supplemental terms and conditions or documents that may be posted on the site from time to time are hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to make changes or modifications to these terms of use. We will alert you about any changes by updating that “last updated” date of these terms of use. As we are unable to contact each person individually of each change, you waive the right for direct notification to each change in the terms of use by using this website. Please ensure that you check the applicable terms every time you use our site so that you understand which terms apply to you. You will be subject to, and will be deemed to have been made aware of and to have accepted, the changes in any revised terms of use by your continued use of the site after the date such revised terms are posted.

Contact us

In order to resolve a complaint regarding the site or to receive further information regarding use of the site, please contact us at:

Five Fifty Master Creations
35 Lake St
Rouses Point, NY 12979
United States

Phone: 518 534 2119